HC Generated Offshore Suriname part of GSB

Suriname: The Next Oil Boom in South America

Suriname #Offshore #AmountPetroleumGeneratedandAvailable

Disclaimer: Own calculation, to whom it may be of interest.

“ Unlock the Next Global Energy Frontier: The Suriname Treasure Trove “.

I did my own comprehensive scientific analysis, to substantiate the true scale of Suriname’s petroleum potential in the Guyana-Suriname Basin.
The numbers are staggering.

Based on rigorous calculations using verified published data, I have further uncovered the sleeping giant that rivals one of South America’s most prolific oil regions.

886 Billion barrels of oil equivalent generated. With an estimated 133 billion BOE at your disposal on behalf of Mother Nature and available to be explored,…unveiled.

To put this in perspective, this matches the legendary Maracaibo Basin’s recoverable resources.

But here is the game-changing difference.
While Maracaibo Basin has been extensively developed over more than a century, Suriname’s potential remains virtually untapped.
Just beginning with some 750 million barrels reserves in Gran Morgu, Block 58.

We are looking at virgin reserves that will reshape global energy markets.

What makes this assessment unique?

It is the first calculation that I myself generated and are now sharing with you.
That I built entirely on published, verifiable data from scientific databases.

For sure there may be many other in-house company calculations?
But I have never seen or found any.

So, what the h**k
Decided to do it myself.
Similar to done in our landmark high-citation-index Maracaibo Basin study, 1982-1984.

Then fully artesanal, by hand, Texas Instruments scientific hand calculator.
Ever used one?

No more speculation, at least for myself, this is hard science pointing to hard numbers.
As I usually get mad with only arm waving, could-well-be, prognoses.
But I will spare you all those dreary, though for me super interesting, input parameters.

As on ACT source rocks thickness and volume, TOC content, generation, expulsion potential during different kitchen stages, transformation percentage, migration, trapping efficiency etc.
These are all verifiable input data I used.

The basin’s now proven stratigraphic-structural traps and optimal source rock conditions create a perfect storm of opportunity.

This is not just another frontier exploration play.
We are talking about a petroleum system that mirrors one of South America’s most successful oil provinces, but with a crucial advantage:
It is virtually unexplored.

I compared Guyana Suriname Basin with Maracaibo Basin, that has a similar source rock, and is a realistic analogue in many aspects, that I studied extensively in the past, in Venezuela.

While Maracaibo has produced 70-80 billion BOE over its lifetime, Suriname’s similar-sized prize awaits first movers.

Don’t miss your chance to be part of this historic opportunity.
The data is clear, the potential is verified, and the time to act and explore is now.

(…before we are chased and excluded…).



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