
Geo-musings: Poetry & Geology in Motion On Curaçao

Geologists, explorers are all nomads, emigrants and…?


“Tussen wal en schip” (Between Shore and Ship)

In de nazomer van mijn leven, doch bij dageraad zo klaar,
Begroet ik de wereld, een reiziger van ver en van daar.
Geboren en getogen op Curaçao’s warme zand,
Maar vertrokken naar verre oorden, over land en waterig land.

Tussen wal en schip, een eeuwige reis,
Met herinneringen aan Holland, als een kabbelende rivier zo grijs.
Brede rivieren en ijle populieren, in mijn gedachten zo klaar,
Een rots der struikeling, Boeli’s rots, waar ik altijd naar keer.

In Nederland wil ik niet leven, dat is waar,
Geen lusten te hoeven reven, geen buren die staren.
Op dushi Kòrsou, eiland van mijn hart,
Waar vrijheid en liefde nooit zullen apart.

De geniale anarchie van het leven, een dans zo vrij,
Op mijn rots der struikeling, onder de Caribische zon, zo blij.
In de haven van herinneringen, waar mijn ziel rust vindt,
Een oudere heer, overal geweest, maar mi Dushi Curaçao voor altijd bemint.

The Geologist’s Eye

Photo: Beach view from Curaçao’s coastline, capturing the stunning reef formations.

Sure, as a geologist you always have your eyes open, even on a stunning beach. Not only looking at sunbathing beauties with Brazilian mini-tangas, but seeing beyond to the geological wonders before you.

This is an awesome beach with truly unique colors and fascinating reefs—a paradise for explorers.

Curaçao’s Remarkable Reefs

Considerable Holocene reef accumulation (at least 16 m) has taken place at the leeward side of Curaçao and Bonaire upon several pre-existing submarine terraces.

A head-coral reef, dominated by Montastrea annularis, has grown from a deep terrace (more than −28 m) to a depth of 12 m below sea level, closely following the Holocene transgression.

An Acropora palmata reef, much closer to the shore, probably rests upon a much shallower terrace, and is now situated near sea level.

Accumulation rates in the head-coral reef varied from ca. 1 mm/yr in the coral rubble facies to ca. 4 mm/yr in the framework facies.

An Invitation Home

You will be delighted to see and study all this from the moment you come flying from the cold winter, landing on Dushi Curaçao. Just book a ticket and enjoy my native paradise.

Citation: “Holocene development of coral fringing reefs, leeward off Curaçao and Bonaire (Netherlands Antilles)” by J. Focke, 1978, based on his Ph.D. thesis at Leiden University. A former student colleague, by the way.

Geological Heritage

For amazing geology, please read:
D. J. Beets’ Ph.D. thesis: “Lithology and stratigraphy of the Cretaceous and Danian succession of Curacao.”

I began trying to read and understand this publication back in secondary school. This is why I always scored the maximum 10 points in physical geography lessons and exams at Radulphus College on Curaçao during my second year of high school. Even my Dutch geography teacher was flabbergasted. Never before did he have to grant only tens, every exam, the whole year long.

When I see geology, I see home.

For unforgettable holidays on my native island, with amazing geological outcrops and both a vibrant and relaxed Caribbean tropical atmosphere, in the most beautiful and colorful part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands? Just click on the link to explore and prepare your visit. Stay for example in Mangrove Beach Corendon All-Inclusive Resort, I can testify, we have stayed there several times and can fully recommend, just fabulous. Enjoy your holidays.

Disclaimer: FYI, I am an Expedia Affiliate and fully comply with the official FTC guidelines.



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