De auteur beschrijft een diepgaande connectie met Curaçao, met nadruk op de natuurlijke schoonheid, rijke cultuur en nostalgische herinneringen. Van…
Geologists, explorers are all nomads, emigrants and…?Poets… Geo-Poetry "Tussen wal en schip" (Between Shore and Ship) In de nazomer van…
The artwork created in 2008 predicted the hydrocarbon potential of the Guyana-Suriname Basin, which was realized in 2015 with ExxonMobil's…
In Curaçao's offshore realm, the Stena Drillmax and Zeemeeuw NC1033 exemplify a blend of technology and nature. The Drillmax will…
“ The Golden Lane:Stabroek Block - Block 58 - Block 52Guyana Suriname Basin, alias “ GSGL”.The Black Petroleum Lane “.…
A Strategic Investment Opportunity in the Heart of South America's Energy Revolution Following is my transformational vision and futuristic petroleum…